[Finance] Introductions?

Lokkju Brennr lokkju at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 10:06:41 CEST 2010

I'm Loki, from BrainSilo in Portland, OR.

We've only been around for about 6 months, and we're currently just a
state registered non-profit corporation.  We're planning on going for
501(c)(3) status ASAP, but the $700 is a large layout for us - more
than our rent.  Right now our finances are pretty much just a
spreadsheet, since all income is donations, and our only real expense
is rent (which includes utilities).  Other misc stuff, such as our
internet and supplies is just provided by individual members.

My major intrest right now is ideas for keeping a space paying for
itself - either through member's fees, donations, or corporate/trust
funding.  We're staying above water because of a couple people
carrying most the financial load, which isn't the best situation.

Loki // brainsilo.org

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