[hs-equality] Chauvinism and PyCon

Jens Christian Hillerup jens at hillerup.net
Sun Mar 31 09:28:15 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,

Long-time lurker here, thanks for letting me follow your insightful
discussions! Thought I'd

Back story: Adriana Richards was attending a PyCon talk when two men in the
row behind her started making chauvinistic jokes about "big dongles" and
something related to git forking.

Here's Adriana's writeup:

I think PyCon acted exemplary (they booted the idiots and one of them lost
his job), but apparently Adriana's employer decided to fire her, possibly
because they're getting DDoS'd in the wake of this idiocy.

Can we at this mailing list do something about this? I don't know if
Adriana wants her job back (I doubt it), but I'd find it fitting to have a
very public letter stating exactly why and how they suck. Also, we could
make a "code of conduct" blueprint for conference arrangers to fork?

... and dissuade them from using the sexism cards seen on DEFCON and the
29c3. It turns sexism (and chauvinism, heterosexism) into some kind of sick
game instead of having a serious discussion. People more eloquent than me
have already pointed this out, I suppose you've all followed that

All the best,
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