[hackerspaces] It's now figured out. Yes it is.

\0xDynamite dreamingforward at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 20:36:57 CEST 2017

On 8/2/17, Dave Giancaspro <dave.giancaspro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Amen t that brother Matt !

Listen, I love the idea of getting back to coding, really I do.  But
the fact is, very little is actually happening in hackerspaces right

I mean, let's be honest, hackerspaces haven't even hit the radar,
politically, economically, and socially speaking.  Show me where there
is something more that table top robots or javascript web portals and
a LOT of DESIRE to make a revolution.  I know the examples of great
projects, but they are very few in number.  It remains at the
periphery of EVERY power structure -- including universities for some
dumb-ass reason.

The whole internet revolution is getting co-opted, and along with it
hackerspaces.  Sadly, most don't even know because very few are
specialists in media studies.   Even MIT has dropped the ball somehow
and they have a CENTER FOR IT (i.e. media studies).

You tell me genius.  What explains NOTHING CHANGING AT ALL IN THE
WORLD?  Despite all of the investment, equipment, and passion for

(has the soundtrack for the change)

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