[hackerspaces] The Functioning Computer Museum needs you!

hellekin hellekin at dyne.org
Tue Jul 5 21:22:47 CEST 2016

I'm passing this support request from the Functioning Computer Museum.
The original message in Italian comes after KatolaZ's English
translation.  Please have a look and circulate this message to
like-minded people and patrons.

Asbesto and his team have been doing great work repairing and
maintaining historical computers in working condition.  Last year,
Asbesto rebuilt an Apple I from original components.  Recently they had
to downgrade their Internet access to save on expenses, and are quite in
a situation with their rent.  What happens to the salvaged computers and
the project may depend on you!




As you might know, we are a totally self-funded Museum, run only by
volunteers, which does not receive funding from any governmental or
private institution. As a consequence, every now and then we are
forced to ask for the help of friends like you, who have concretely
suppported our activities, our projects, and our growth in the past.

Amid several difficulties, in the last few years we have continued
working on hardware collection and restoration, we have regularly
published and shared the results of our research, we have received
hundreds of visitors in our permanent exposition, and salvaged
precious and rare data from vintage media using custom-built hardware
and software (the most notable examples include full versions of the
extremely rare CROOK-3 and CROOK-4 operating systems, with complete
sources, extracted from original magnetic tapes of the 1980's Polish
system MERA-400).

This is one of those moments when the help of friends like you is
necessary. We are currently struggling to keep up with the payment of
rent and bills (we actually have three months of renting in arrear and
a couple of energy bills still waiting to be paid), and we cannot get
through these hard times without a concrete help. We had to cut our
ADSL connection last month, replacing it with a radio connection to
our homes, and we also had to put off-line most of the historical
VAX/VMS computers in order to save on the energy bill.

We would really appreciate any donation that could help us getting
through this hard contingency, which is putting the continuation of
the Museum at serious risk.



  Bank Name: IWBANK
  IBAN: IT58V0308301609000000024257
  ABI: 03083
  CAB: 01609
  Account nr.: 00000024257

- Via paypal:
  museo at freaknet.org

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Hackers at dyne] AIUTATECI, abbiamo BISOGNO DI VOI! :( HELP!
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2016 17:20:58 +0000
From: asbesto <asbesto at freaknet.org>
Reply-To: the dyne.org hackers crew <hackers at lists.dyne.org>
To: hackers at dyne.org



Come sapete siamo un Museo totalmente autofinanziato, gestito
unicamente da volontari e senza aiuti istituzionali di alcun

Ogni tanto siamo costretti a ricorrere all'aiuto di tutti voi,
che ci sostenete da anni e seguite le nostre attivita', i nostri
progetti, e la nostra voglia di crescere.  Nonostante le
difficolta', andiamo avanti con i restauri, i salvataggi,
pubblicando i risultati ottenuti, documentando, condividendo,
accogliendo visitatori e recuperando dati preziosi utilizzando
soluzioni hardware e software sviluppate da noi (come ad es.  i
sistemi operativi CROOK-3 e CROOK-4, compreso il codice
sorgente, ma non solo, estratti dalle bobine originali del
sistema polacco anni '80 MERA-400, dati che ormai si credevano

Questo e' uno di quei momenti! Siamo indietro di 3 affitti e
svariate bollette, e non riusciamo a risollevarci da soli da
questo momento difficile.

Siamo stati costretti ad eliminare la linea ADSL del Museo
spostandoci su un ponte radio, in modo da risparmiare soldi. Anche i
sistemi VAX/VMS ed i computer online hanno purtroppo
subito un ridimensionamento, per cercare di risparmiare anche
sulle bollette ENEL.

Eccoci quindi a chiedervi una donazione per poter far fronte
alla contingenza che, tra bollette e affitti, si e' fatta
alquanto difficile :(

Per donazioni:

Bonifico bancario a favore di ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE FREAKNET
Nome banca: IWBANK
IBAN: IT58V0308301609000000024257
ABI: 03083
CAB: 01609
Numero conto: 00000024257
BIC Code: BLPIIT21 (per i donatori esteri)

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