[hackerspaces] Paid Staff

MacLemon hackerspaces.org at maclemon.at
Mon Aug 22 18:11:51 CEST 2016

> From: Bill Shaw <bill at funwithbots.com>
> To: discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org
> For the more established and larger spaces out there, I'm curious how many
> members you had when you added your first paid staff. What was your overall
> budget at the time?

Metalab - Vienna/Austria (222m², 200±5 Members, Estd. 2006)

All work is done voluntarily as mandated in our statute.
Board consists of the legal minimum requirement (3 people) in Austria, with another 3 people in deputy roles (which were added starting this term).

Board members shall only do the work/make descisions that are necessary for legal reasons. The day-to-day operations is handled by the community and the so called “Jour-Fixe”. That’s a (more or less) bi-weekly meeting of people to make decisions, discuss current issues, suggest new ideas and project, coordinate things, etc.

We’re counting on the intrinsic motivation that the Metalab is of value to the folks who attend regularly or visit occasionally that all necessary work get’s done. This, of course, works better or worse from time to time and depending on the issues. The usual 20/80% rules apply. (20% ±active people do the necessary tasks to keep the space alive and kicking for ± just lurking 80%.)

Best regards

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