[hackerspaces] CIrcuit design games or tools?

Shirley Hicks shirley at velochicdesign.com
Sun Dec 6 18:34:52 CET 2015

Red Mountain Makers will have a working group focused on developing interactive electronics instruction tools in 2016. (we need some stuff in the space for instruction, as well as portable demo kits)

We are in a community where significant portions of our neighbors and residents are not familiar with key concepts. 

As we outline the project, I’m wondering if any spaces (or members of spaces) are working on games or interactive tools to design (and demonstrate completeness) of circuits using the standard symbol sets?

I’m envisioning drag and drop symbols tiles with feedback as to correctness from the program, along with multiple levels of difficulty matching design and control requirements. 

Best Regards,

Shirley Hicks
Treasurer/Web Admin/Programmer/Maker
Red Mountain Makers
Twitter: @redmountainmake
Facebook: Red Mountain Makers
Meetup: meetup.com/redmountainmakers

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