[hackerspaces] Laser Cutter Fires?

Robert Davidson robert at dallasmakerspace.org
Wed Apr 29 19:56:05 CEST 2015

I wanted to know how many out there have had a fire on there CO2 Laser?

What was the root cause?

I define fire as leaving the confines of the machine.
Though if your machine was destroyed by a fire in the tray that would count
as well.

I can start out with Dallas Makerspace we had the High Voltage line arc to
the metal case and caused a fire in the laser tube area. (It was quickly
extinguished with a Fire Extinguisher)

Artifacture a local company in Dallas; there CO2 laser destroyed a large
part of there building from a fire that was not observed.  Root Cause:
(Guessing as it was absolute destruction was that the material was left in
the tray from acrylic that had fallen through the tray)

Robert Davidson
Dallas Makerspace
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