[hackerspaces] In defense of Noisebridge (even if I was never there!)

Al Billings albill at openbuddha.com
Thu Jul 3 21:09:10 CEST 2014

On Jul 3, 2014, at 11:16 AM, matt <matt at nycresistor.com> wrote:

> Well I think Colin raised an interesting question about the term hackerspace.
> We divide between hackerspace and makerspace because hardware hackers and software hackers don't always get along.  An angle grinder pisses off some software kids something fierce.
> So there's immediately a question of specific focus in the name.
> The question is, are there cultural definitions implied as well?
> Hacker seems to denote hacker culture..  amateur / reuse / repurpose / break / etc.
> So... if you call yourself a hackerspace what cultural values are you signing up for living with?
> If you bake cakes that forward a political agenda about the right to wear baby seal fur... can you call yourself a hackerspace?
> Who is defining these values?

Make Magazine. :-)

I identify “Makerspace” as a cultural subsidiary of Make Magazine, Maker Faire, and associated commercial enterprises.

“Hackerspaces” are a grass roots phenomena that wasn’t and isn’t primarily about commercialization, media, and money.

This is why I’d never call the space I’m a part of a “makerspace.” I see it as “makerspace (tm).”


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