[hackerspaces] Let's end the unnecessary joining of the words "food" and "hacking"

Jamie Schwettmann jamie.schwettmann at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 04:48:28 CET 2014

A few food hacking possibilities:

Vacuum-extracted coffee.
Nitrous-extracted coffee.
Synthesized caffeine.
Polymerized chocolate.
Polymerized cheese.
Polymerized gluten chains.
Edible batteries.
Sugar candy prisms -- sugar candy lasers?

I dare you to explain how/whether any of these could arise without invoking
substantial technical detail, or to make them without using entirely the
"wrong" tools in a haphazardly equipped hackerspace kitchen, or without
inventing more tools, and still accurately predict the spectral analysis
results that indicate success.  Then, I dare you to test your spectral
analysis predictions without inventing something on the spot... and it
still has to be safe to eat afterwards. ;)

Bonus points: make all of these psychoactive.

- Jamie

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Kevin Mitnick <kevin.mitnick at outlook.com>wrote:

> In some places it's illegal to call yourself an engineer with certain
> exceptions.
> As a result, I reserve the right to not permit yourself to label yourself
> as a hacker. I can label you as someone who has an inability to contribute
> to a conversation without any meaningful content. I am assuming you're
> responding to my remarks on this mailing list due to the malaise you may
> experience questioning what you have chosen to label yourself?
> Oh. The ego hacking that is being engaged in this thread. By the way, is
> engineering "hacking" too? Can I be a geotechnical hacker? A chemical
> hacker? A computer hac... oh wait.
> Kevin Mitnick
> (May or may not be the Kevin you think I am)
> Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 18:45:19 -0800
> From: rubin at starset.net
> To: discuss at lists.hackerspaces.org
> Subject: Re: [hackerspaces] Let's end the unnecessary joining of the words
> "food" and "hacking"
> Kevin Mitnick wrote, On 2014-01-27 17:59:
> > You amazingly managed to write a whole paragraph without actually
> > explaining anything about what food hacking is.
> Why do you feel the need to tell others they cannot label themselves as
> they wish?
> --
> Rubin
> rubin at starset.net
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jamie.schwettmann at gmail.com
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