[hackerspaces] Volunteer hour/signup management

Thomas R. Koll tomk32 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 08:43:52 CET 2014

Am 27.01.2014 um 07:33 schrieb Bob Bownes <bownes at gmail.com>:
> To venture off in a different direction from the recent discussions, today at the TVCoG, we ran our bi-weekly safety training and a question for the volunteer coordinator came up. Most notably, what software are other makerspaces using to coordinate volunteers signing up for open shifts? We are using a google spreadsheet, but are really not happy with it, as it requires too much human intervention. 

You mean shifts like for helping to operate a lasercutter or other equipment.
„None“ might be a surpising answer but metalab in Vienna with its 200 members
doesn’t have any of this overhead. Most of the time there is someone around
to help you. If there isn’t you can ask on the public mailinglist for
help and make an appointment with someone who can help you.
There are bigger introduction workshops for certain machines every couple of months,
but those are triggered when enough interest has been indicated by new users.
Negative side of this chaos is that thing tend to break more often.

ciao, tom

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