[hackerspaces] Geeks & Depression Meetup Tonight - Thursday June 27th 8:00pm - at Crash Space in Los Angeles

Mike Outmesguine mikeout at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 00:49:16 CEST 2013

Hey Folks,

We are having a Geeks & Depression meetup tonight, Thursday, 27 June,
starting at 8:00pm.

Crash Space
10526 Venice Blvd, Culver City CA 90232

All are welcome.

Share or listen.
You are not alone.

Let's have a meetup where geeks can talk about depression and suicide. You
are not alone. Share your story, if you like. Share a friend's story. Or
just hang out and listen. Let's make it OK to talk about these things so
that we don't feel so alone with our feelings of being alone and
depressedor suicidal.

This is not a support group -- none of us are trained professionals, but we
can get together in a safe, confidential space to talk about depression and
suicide -- an important part of life for so many of us geeks.

There will be cupcakes :)


PS: Stephen Fry recently revealed he had attempted suicide. Here is what he
just wrote about it: http://www.stephenfry.com/2013/06/24/only-the-lonely/
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