[hackerspaces] Crowdfunding for Tampa Hackerspace

Bill Shaw toppsoft at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 17:02:49 CET 2013

Inspiration Labs (d/b/a Tampa Hackerspace) just launched our first
Kickstarter campaign to fund equipment and space upgrades. Our non-profit
was organized with an educational mission.

We've been open since mid-August and have already done lots of great things
in and for the Tampa area. We could not have gotten up and running as
quickly or as smoothly as we did without the resources and support from
everyone who participates in hackerspaces.org. We have tremendous respect
for the role you play in the maker movement.

I would be very pleased if you could share our campaign through your social
networks (your websites, FB, g+, twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) to help get us
rolling. If you can back us, even at $1, it would be really helpful. We'd
love to see the backer count moving up to signal support and momentum to
everyone who sees the campaign.

It's been a great ride so far and we're looking forward to helping spread
the hackerspace magic far and wide!

Thank you all in advance for your help and support!


Bill Shaw
President and Founder
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