[hackerspaces] Idea: things.hackerspaces.org now that Thingiverse is not ok anymore

Walter van Holst walter at revspace.nl
Thu Sep 27 14:50:20 CEST 2012

On 2012-09-26 20:57, Matt Joyce wrote:
> Just a quick update on thingiverse.
> http://www.makerbot.com/blog/2012/09/26/our-lawyer-explains-the-thingiverse-terms-of-service/
> Curious if anyone has any concerns not addressed in there.

Thank you for this.

In a way it does address my concerns by continuing to weave and waffle. 
Basically it confirms my suspicion that the Thingiverse change of terms 
of use was to redress a loophole unintentionally put in there 
originally. And that it has always been the intention to provide 
MakerBot Industries a wider license than the so-called 'secondary' 
license, but that it was only recently realised that it didn't, or 
didn't do sufficiently enforcable.

I'll try to add an update to the blog I wrote earlier on Flux and will 
take some other valuable remarks made on this list into account. May I 
quote messages sent to this list?



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