[hackerspaces] "thinking of starting a hackerspace"

Jenn polishsputnik at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 20:20:30 CET 2012

I'm in the process of starting one, and it seems like most of the resources
out there are things like, here's how membership might work, etc. I find
that I had the most trouble with things like incorporating, finding a
space, budgeting, etc. I found myself wishing for a magical packet of info
and the paperwork you need to actually take care of the tedious stuff so I
could focus on actually having a hackerspace. I know every hackerspace is
different, but maybe if those who have gone through the process could
compile what one generally needs to do in various states and countries,
people would find it less daunting.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Tim Saylor <tim.saylor at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there anyone on this list who is currently thinking of starting a
> hackerspace, or has recently started one, and who has asked other
> hackerspaces how to get started?  This happens at my space 2-4 times a year
> and it seems to be increasing, but there are many sources of that
> information already online.  I'd like to find out if there's something you
> need that's not out there, or if you have trouble finding the information
> you want, or if there's some other problem that can be addressed.
> Tim
> --
> @tsaylor
> http://www.timsaylor.com/
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