[hackerspaces] We need your help to create grants for Hackerspaces across Canada

Michael Legary mlegary at gmail.com
Wed May 30 21:56:19 CEST 2012


Sorry for the lack of a good introduction, but I wanted to see if you'd like to be involved with an awesome project that started today.

My name is Michael Legary and I like to help build Hackerspaces. Specifically, SkullSpace and AssentWorks "up" here in Canada.
I have been selected a finalist in a Entrepreneur Competition here in Canada competing to create grants for Hacker and Makerspaces across the country.
What could this mean to spaces across Canada? If we win, we can give out at least 22 grants of up to $3500.00 cash to improve their space in anyway they see fit! 

Why do the rest of you across the globe on the mailing list care? Because you're awesome! 
ANYONE across the world can vote once per day to help out during the voting period. (Ending June 19th)

If you would like to help me promote the project and politely bug people to vote for the gruelling twenty day period it would be greatly appreciated.
Voting will be via Facebook and/or a campaign website. The person who can get the most voters to come back daily will most likely be the winner.

Check out the video proposal from Michael and learn more about the contest here

The contest runs from May 30th until June 19th and voters can submit daily. 
A few minutes a day could help out thousands of Hackerspace members across Canada.

What can I do to help?

Vote for Michael's Innovation Project / https://www.bdcyoungentrepreneuraward.ca/profile_3.php
Follow us on Twitter! 
@AssentWorks / @SkullSpaceWpg

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