[hackerspaces] HACKING IS NOT A CRIME vinyl stickers..

Will Bradley bradley.will at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 01:42:45 CET 2011

I think in the early days of skateboarding, property owners objected to
skaters using their property as a skate park (for example, empty
round-bottomed pools or concrete lots) and skaters were arrested for
trespassing. Also, conflicts with pedestrians or cars made skaters be
considered a public nuisance.

The counterargument is that if nobody was injured or property damaged,
skaters should be allowed to practice their sport especially in semi-public

Since then, skate parks and bike lanes have been created to facilitate the
sport with less conflict, but the debate over use of public and
abandoned/unused space is still relevant.
On Dec 5, 2011 5:32 PM, "Marc Juul" <marcjc at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Mars brown <itcamefrommars at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > For fun I'm offering to make up some vinyl cut stickers that say
> > kind of like the old SKATEBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME style.
> It's very awesome that you're making these stickers :-)
> Pardon my ignorance on this issue but I have a few questions. Maybe
> I'm the only one, but I never entirely understood these "skateboarding
> is not a crime" stickers. Obviously, in many places, skateboarding is
> actually a crime. Are they a reference to the fact that people prevent
> skateboarding by adding little nubs and physical barriers that prevent
> skating even though it is still legal? And isn't it more common that
> skateboarding is actually made illegal (through park rules / city
> laws) in combination with these barriers? Is the actual message
> "skateboarding should not be illegal", and if so, why say it like
> this?
> Switching to the matter of hacking, isn't the more important message
> that hacking is not unethical and should not be prevented by technical
> nor legal measures? Yeah I don't have a catchy sticker text for that
> message, but i'm not sure that "hacking is not a crime" is a great way
> to state it.
> Maybe I'm missing something and perhaps someone can enlighten me?
> --
> Juul
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