[hackerspaces] U Hawaii Makery project

Jerry Isdale isdale at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 00:29:08 CEST 2011

U. Hawaii Manoa is developing the "Makery" - a small kiosk/pod with several tools (drill press, small cnc mill, electronics bench, computer+CAD SW, etc) and an educational program for middle/high school kids.  They recently received funding to put one in the Kehei Public Charter School here on Maui.


The concept is quite interesting for teaching the art of 21st century making to kids and getting them excited about being entrepreneurs.  I visited Neil Scott at his lab on Oahu and we had a great discussion about how his Makery (tm) and hackerspaces can be complementary resources for the community. One aspect is for different spaces to provide different resources. The Makery may have lower end cnc bots, our MakerSpace will have some middle level machines, and we have contacts at local businesses (throughout Hawaii) with high end CNC mills, lathes, waterjet/plasma cutters, etc.

Jerry Isdale

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