[hackerspaces] [offtopic] Saharawis in danger

Far McKon farmckon at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 14:33:57 CET 2010

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Matt Joyce <matt at nycresistor.com> wrote:
> In keeping with the fair and balanced mantra, can I get a link to an
> opposing viewpoint?

I'm still waiting on a fair and balanced reply to the whole "The World
Is Round" debate. I for one, find it disgusting that American media
will *not* interview flat earthers,  or people that believe in the
theory of a concave hollow earth.  These are all valid opinions, and
should be given equal air time our our public airwaves.

Fallaciously yours,
- Far McKon

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