[hackerspaces-announce] BruCon in Brussels, Sept. 09

astera astera at hackerspaces.org
Sun Jun 28 10:23:47 CEST 2009

Ohai hackers,

as you might've heard (or read, respectively) before, starting this  
September 18th, Brussels, Belgium, Europe has a new hacker conference:  


On our wiki-page to this event, http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/ 
BruCon_2009, some hackerspaces folks have already announced who's  
coming and what they are planning to bring, yay!

Since we're given a huuuge area right at the entrance to build a  
neighborly little hackerspace village, it's soon about time to start a  
wee bit of scheming - so if anyone else of you guys would like to  
visit BruCon, participate in the village, or bring some hardware pr0n,  
please put your name & hackerspace on the wikisite.

Looking forward to see you there,

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