hi everyone,<br><br>we had a great discussion about our upcoming "state of the room" weekend of activities on dec. 7th-9th.<br><br>schedule for the weekend:<br><ul><li>Fri. Dec. 7th, 6-10PM: Sudo Room Housewarming
</li><li>Sat. Dec. 8th, 9-5: "State of the Room" Unconference
</li><li>Sun. Dec. 9th, all day: Move-In Day and Neglected Technology / Book Drive
</li></ul><br>please see the wiki for all the details: <a href="http://sudoroom.org/wiki/State_of_the_Room">http://sudoroom.org/wiki/State_of_the_Room</a><br><br>the list of sessions we discussed is at: <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApmrUsz7z5DodGYwLVlXSmNwSktwRVFEYlNnUThGb3c#gid=0">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApmrUsz7z5DodGYwLVlXSmNwSktwRVFEYlNnUThGb3c#gid=0</a> . if you're interested in claiming a session or adding more suggested sessions, please add to the doc.<br>
<br>draft invite text coming soon!<br><br>marina<br>