Hey all!<br><br>I just got off the phone with a rep from Paramount. Basically, they don't do group tickets for movies, and they don't allow reserving seats. HOWEVER, the lady said it would be ok if we got there a little early and worked something out with whoever was running the box office to have a row set aside, provided there was someone there making sure sudo room people know where to go, and once we're all in, nobody is excluded from a seat if they don't have space. Also, there are 14 seats in a row, so if people want to get presales, it would be good to have a definite number to work with.<div>
<br></div><div>Pretty basic stuff all around. She did also mention that for something like Ghostbusters they might have a line as early as 6 (doors open at 7) to get in, so if someone wants to come with me a little before 6 to make sure things are worked out, I would appreciate it. I figure worst case scenario, we get a row full of friends, and then maybe some new people who might want to join. This sounds like it could be lots of fun!</div>
<div><br></div><div>Cheers,</div><div>aestetix</div><div><br></div><div>PS: she mentioned someone had already contacted her about a marshmallow man and group rates. :p</div>