Howdy Folks,<br><br>We've been in search of a space. There are lots of options, and bigger, brighter futures rest on the horizon.<br><br>On Weds, Eddan found this listing on craigslist: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> seen here: <a href=",-122.26721&spn=0.003458,0.005284&hnear=Broadway+%26+22nd+St,+Oakland,+Alameda,+California+94612&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=37.810651,-122.267318&panoid=VXpIKY0QFTgDutXU5EfIag&cbp=12,284.7,,0,11.24" target="_blank">,-122.26721&spn=0.003458,0.005284&hnear=Broadway+%26+22nd+St,+Oakland,+Alameda,+California+94612&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=37.810651,-122.267318&panoid=VXpIKY0QFTgDutXU5EfIag&cbp=12,284.7,,0,11.24</a><br>
<br>I gave George, the property manager, a call. I had seen some other offices in his space months before, he has lots of spaces and they come up for rent often. All month-to-month contracts, and a lease if we really want one. He said he was available today at 3pm. I showed up and Eddan and Timon joined in.<br>
<br>We saw three offices. I have photographs stored on a proprietary memory device and will retrieve them ASAP upon apprehension of the proper cable.<br><br>1. $500 / month 350 sq ft - The LISTED ROOM - has WiFi access, on the ground floor, outlets, lights. It is a good deal for the size, but it is not very close to the street. One must walk through a hallway, through a half-office, and down another hallway (all disability accessible) to get to it. This is not bad, just a bit removed from public view.<br>
<br>2. $400 / month (no exact measure, but about 150 sq. ft). - The BOX OFFICE (calling it that for short). Has a window, is just a few feet inside public-facing street-level doors in the same area as the LISTED ROOM. Also has WiFi Access. Sits directly outside a shared building "classroom" area available to all renters, just sign up ahead of time. If we rent the BOX OFFICE, we can occasionally use the LISTED ROOM while it's open.<br>
<br>3. $350 / month (no exact measure, but no bigger than 400 sq ft) - The DOUBLE OFFICE is upstairs, at the very top of the entrance steps. It has access to an unused, common "reception" area that would be available for our usage. It has cable and wifi internet access. The DOUBLE OFFICE includes two offices that are connected, side-by-side. The rear door has<br>
<br>All rooms have access to the "classroom" area on the ground floor, just need to sign up as described above. The building just got faster WIFI service provided by installed recently. George is interested in providing line-access to internet in all ground floor offices in the future, we could also do this ourselves he offered. <br>
<br>Also, we can potentially rent multiple of these spaces, or move from one to other available spaces in the building at a later time. <br>
<br>In order to move forward with this space (and not to lose footing), I have a proposal:<br><br><b>Sudo Room should consider "dipping" it's toe into the BOX OFFICE space (no. 2 above) by investing a portion of our fund-raiser funds of $200 first month (50% off for move-in), $400 obligatory for last month (which can be july if we wish), and a redeemable $400 deposit--at a grand total of $1,000, lasting to at least July</b>. This would only commit us to two months in the space, the first month of which (June) we can sort out all the precise governance, tax, and income issues, by consensus, in order to move forward (remain, expand, or move) with this space and our future!<br>
<br>I propose we hold a discussion on this email thread, use our other online tools, convene an in-person meetup on Saturday (anywhere that's available), consider all the issues and list them on the wiki, convene briefly again on Sunday with whoever can make the "scout session" (still on), and plan to move forward on Monday having begun due diligence to consider if we have the blessings of our community!<br>
<br>Please add notes in reply to this thread, on this pad (for anonymous communication too): <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and ultimately we'll put everything on the Wiki on Saturday to sort out by Monday. <br>
<br>On clarifying note: it seems to me that it would be prudent to maintain the Sunday "scouting" event for due diligence reasons, and for future option reasons!<br><br>// Matt<br><br>p.s. Note that time is crucial because other folks (including some we bumped into while on tour) are also looking at these spaces, and with the first of the month approaching, it is in the property manager's best interest to move folks in soon. <br>