[sudoroom] Meeting Notes

Jenny Ryan jenny at thepyre.org
Thu May 17 09:26:33 CEST 2012

~Greetings Sudoers~

Notes from tonight's meeting to follow - we are trying to pin down our
community model over the next two weeks, culminating in an unconference
style workshop on consensus decision-making on May 30th. If you haven't yet
joined this conversation, now's the time! You can participate through this
email list, or join in the wiki pages on
models <http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Sudo_room/income> - and of course,
come to the next meeting!

Notes taken during the meeting using etherpad on riseup,net by all willing
participants wit laptops :)

*In attendance:*
Jenny, Timon, Rachel, Eddie, Victoria, Marina, Michael, Greg, Eddan, Matt,
Anthony (late)


0. Introductions
1. Decision Making
2. Finding a Space

   - + Community Bank of the Bay


*1.**1**  Decision Making*


   - *Membership.* Do we have it? If so, what are the levels/ benefits/
   rules of engagement & expectations?

   - Membership and Governance are related.

   - Governance is a superstructure of Membership

   - Paying Membership get voting rights? Or setup a timebank system?

   - Lets define a what a member is

   - Qualitifations

   - Rite of Passage

   - technoshamanic rituals :P

   - Financial Contribution

   - Time bank

   - Anthony Di Franco BACE.org [who serendipitously showed up shortly
   after his name was mentioned!]

   - Honorary membership?

   - Representative Do-ocracy?

   - https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Do-ocracy

   - *Project Endorsement.* When does SudoRoom attach its name and
   "backing" to a project, if ever?

   - *Governance.* How do we make decisions on behalf of  SudoRoom? Are
   financially-concerned decisions different or do they  involve a different
   group of people vs. other kinds?

   - Is it more important to setup governance first?

   - Heuristics: make only neccessary decisions

   - Are we going to register as non-profit (501(c)3)? This will  determine
   legal structure

   - Examples: How do you pay rent? Insurance?

   - What are the possible legal structures? Pros and Cons

   - 501 (c) 3

   - LLC

   - Corporation

   - B-Corporation: http://bcorp.com

   - *Activities* (non-hacking). Will SudoRoom have speakers/  events/
   classes? What system or structure do we put in place to  facilitate this?
   Do others need to agree on any aspects of these  "extracurricular"

   - What is the culture?

   - How do you establish  a culture?

   - How do you regulate the flow of new people to ensure the establishment
   of culture

   - Vision/Goods/Culture

   -  *META and BUSINESS decisions*

   -  Rent? Utilities? Insurance? Liabilities? Changes to group structure?

*1.2. Who makes these decisions?*

   - Application: can range from asking how to be a member or a project
   proposal or rite of passage (below)

   - Rite of Passage: demonstrates commitment / reliability /
   follow-through (consistency)

   - Alternative currencies:

   - Time Bank (contact Anthony Di Franco)

   - OurVolts (Anca & James, Drupal)

   - Recommendation (trust-based referall network)

   - Honorary Membership

   - Agreement - opportunity for accountability

   - Assessing whether people are "being Sudo or not" (Rachel)

   - Representative Do-ocracy

*1.3 How are these decisions made?*

   - Consensus

   - Representative Do-ocracy

*1.**4** **Where and when are these decisions made?**


   - Online (proposals and concerns?)
   - Weekly meetings (agenda and discussion?)
   - delay/schedule for introduction & decision making, allowing for
   asynchronous discussion & predictable decision making cycle

*2.** Money Making*

Three broad categories of income-generation:

2.1. membership
2.2. goods/services
2.3. fundraising/crowdsourcing

2.1. membership

what are the advantages, if any to membership? to what extent should
financial contribution be separate from 1) governance privileges 2) access
to the space

   - if there is agreement on separating financial membership from
   access/votes, how do you solve the perception of the "usual" definition of
   member (ie, many people understand membership as paying x for y privileges).

   - can an alternate term be more useful to avoid the "usual" perception
   of membership? here are some alternate terms!: participant, affiliate,
   joiner, building block, supporter, sudo-agent (this term got a lot of

   - instead of defining benefits of membership, define responsibilities of

   - logistics

   - membership amount ($50-100, sliding scale?)

   - in-kind options vs just cash; is there a need for this; a list of
   trades? (services exist that allow management of this kind of setup:
   timebank, ourvolts)

2.2 goods/services

   - examples: classes, events, conferences, speakers, skillshares,
   workshops, movie nights, etc.

   - sudoers have a lot of talent and can offer many possible
   services/events/goods that can be used to raise money.

   - membership and fundraising interacts with this type of income

   - selling goods/services can fuel and support membership (ie, members
   can provide goods/host events/teach classes/act as speakers + these
   activities can bring new members)

   - maybe members are ones who can initiate classes, speakers, and other
   group projects

   - goods/services provided can inform viability of grants/crowdfunding

   - **does charging for these opportunities run counter to the sudo open +
   accessible principle?

2.3 fundraising

   - examples: grants (foundation, city/state/govt), crowd-funding,
   corporate, investment, donations

   - kickstarter-esque campaigns have been discussed in meetings in the
   past and have received support

   - fundraising is time-consuming and difficult and will be more likely if
   membership is solid (also, goods/services provided by the community can
   inform the viability of grants/crowdfunding)

   - "donate" button on the site is a good minimum option

   - crowdfunding vs funding portal (eg; Sudo Room as Kickstarter Project
   vs. Sudo Room as Kickstarter :)

*Key points tabled:*

   - How do we demonstrate transparency, the moment of
   decision-making/consensus? (Eddan)

   - We should discuss our autodocumentation meta-strategy :) (Jenny)

   - Talked to Anthony Di Franco about democratizing tax model and
   cooperative voluntary equity/revenue share (Jenny)

*---------------------------ACTION ITEMS---------------------------*

*"**What's on the Wiki Counts**"*

1. Model + Budget + Income investigations (e.g Noisebridge, other) - Jenny
2. Tax Structure Options: Eddan, Matt, Eddie

   - Timon - Zoning

3. Distilling Decision Maker/Community Options (Matt, Marina, Rachel,
Jenny, Timon)

Will work on tonight (May 16)
4. Most transparent process [#3]
5. Determining important deadlines
6. Clean up listing of table  of properties (Eddie, Matt)

Eddan spoke to Debra Acosta about realstate and had a place that he was
interested in and it fell through. it's important to keep track of contacts


We are keeping track of space possibilities on this wiki page.

Be well,

 "Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
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