[SpaceProgram] Article: SpiderFab: Process for On-Orbit Construction of Kilometer-Scale Apertures

Alex Cureton-Griffiths alexcg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 02:19:10 CEST 2012

But then if we need off-planet resources we need a way to extract them. Which means putting stuff up there. Spiderfab seems a good way of bootstrapping that process, rather than an end unto itself

On 28 Sep, 2012, at 8:09 AM, Jerry Isdale wrote:

> The first problem I have with SpiderFab is that they start off planning to loft the raw materials for printing from the bottom of this big gravity well.
> That might be ok for the first few bootstrap launches, but we really really need to use off-planet resources to build the off-planet structures.
> Otherwise the idea of printing the structures is great.
> Zero (or micro) Gravity does make it harder to control the materials.
> Even squeezing out material in an extrusion process would induce motions.
> Spreading out layers of powder? ha.
> Jerry Isdale
> http://MauiMakers.com
> http://www.mauimakers.com/blog/thursday-public-meeting/
> On Sep 27, 2012, at 1:50 PM, cole santos wrote:
>> This is amzaing. Replicating this in even rudementry ways would be a great gambit project.
>> You could use this to make a framework for a oneill habitat then drape with flexible silicone heaters and pump it full of diborane and nickel carbonyl until the cvd process builds up enough wall to allow pressurization.
>> On Sep 27, 2012 1:21 PM, "Alex" <alexcg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> In orbit 3D printing concept. Pretty awesome. Reduces costs, increases scale of what we put up there
>> SpiderFab: Process for On-Orbit Construction of Kilometer-Scale Apertures
>> http://www.nasa.gov/offices/oct/early_stage_innovation/niac/2012_phase_I_fellows_hoyt_spiderfab.html
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