[Hackupy-discuss] hackspaces, occupy and the pirate party - US/German Realitätsabgleich

Florian Friesdorf flo at chaoflow.net
Wed Nov 23 06:58:46 CET 2011


I'm currently visiting from Germany and would like to share ideas and
align realities (Realitätsabgleich) about:

- Pirate party in Berlin just entered parliament with 15 pirates (8.9%),
  liquidfeedback - a delegated voting system - is used to support
  internal decision making processes.

- occupy

- Hackspaces

- the relationship of these

Tue Nov 30th 2011, 18:30
Noisebridge (2169 Mission, SF)

hope to see you on tuesday
Florian Friesdorf <flo at chaoflow.net>
  GPG FPR: 7A13 5EEE 1421 9FC2 108D  BAAF 38F8 99A3 0C45 F083
Jabber/XMPP: flo at chaoflow.net
IRC: chaoflow on freenode,ircnet,blafasel,OFTC
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