<div dir="ltr"><div id="gmail-magicdomid3" class="gmail-"></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid4" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">Greetings to you, greetings to all,</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid5" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">We
would like to thank to all of you for helping us to make Food Hacking
Base (fhb) at SHA2017 happen. Some of you participated by securing our
budget, some also had a chance to be there and get involved on the
ground. As you know, we appreciate all the forms of support.</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid6" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid7" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">The
event by itself went smooth from build up, through the event to the
tear down, so far it was the best organized action at big happening
which we did. There are of course lots of things to improve, we should
talk about that soonish before all the suggestions how to make it even
better evaporate.</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid8" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid9" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">Financially
we did not do badly, however profit will be rather "symbolic" rather
than effective. There are several reasons from buying a new fire proof
tent (more than 600 eu), lots of electricity distribution equipment
(hundreds of eu) to fuel being consumed before and especially during
build up and tear down (many hundreds of eu). One way or other after
discussing with Marcel as our treasurer we are around 0.</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid10" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid11" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">Within a week or so, there should be more and more info shared hereĀ </span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid12" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid13" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom gmail-url"><a href="https://foodhackingbase.org/wiki/Fhb_sha2017">https://foodhackingbase.org/wiki/Fhb_sha2017</a></span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid14" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid15" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">People
who enjoyed staying with us at SHA2017 (and at other events) and would
like to stay in touch should sign in for our mailing list, also you can
pop in at our IRC channel, more info on both is here</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid16" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid17" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom gmail-url"><a href="https://foodhackingbase.org/wiki/How_to_get_in_touch">https://foodhackingbase.org/wiki/How_to_get_in_touch</a></span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid18" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid19" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">In
next weeks we will discuss our autumn events and projects like Local
Crop Processing Project, SHA2017 After Party, Fermentation Mobile and of
course we will start to prepare for 34c3. We will do the planning at
our meetings which will be announced in advance at our mailing list and
at IRC, the regular day is likely to be Sunday evening around 20h00 CET
at our #foodhackingbase </span><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">IRC channel at oftc network.</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid20" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid21" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">Once more thanks for your good wibe and being part, lets see each other soon and lets keep in touch in the meanwhile!</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid22" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid23" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">Sincerely from La Cherche, Normandie, France,</span></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid24" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid24" class="gmail-">for FHB,<br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid24" class="gmail-"><br></div><div id="gmail-magicdomid25" class="gmail-"><span class="gmail-author-g-mtts7ngl3bq31wom">Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck</span></div></div>