[foodhackingbase] Website

Steffen Beyer steffen at beyer.io
Thu Jan 9 01:43:02 CET 2014

Feature wise, I can not see an advantage of DokuWiki¹. File based 
storage might even make future extensions more problematic. Syntax 
wise, when ever leaving MediaWiki, I would go with Markdown, which 
emerged as de facto standard for structured text, as far as I can see.

For MediaWiki I would suggest the official reCAPTCHA plugin² and 
disable anonymous edits.

The domain is registered to Frantisek at Gandi³. All you would have to 
do when the new system is ready, is to update the domains A and AAAA 
records (for IPv4 and IPv6) to point to the new server.

I can offer to get an account at Uberspace, set up MediaWiki+CAPTCHA 
and inject the existing wiki content. Would be helpful to have a 
database and filespace dump from Christian then. Should be doable 
within one week.

Steffen Beyer <steffen at beyer.io>

¹ http://www.wikimatrix.org/compare/DokuWiki+MediaWiki
² https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/mediawiki
³ http://whois.net/whois/foodhackingbase.org

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