[foodhackingbase] updates on fhb preparations for 31c3 - 18/12/2014

Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck algoldor at foodhackingbase.org
Thu Dec 18 19:36:34 CET 2014

Hi to all,
so here are the updates

1) I've send emails to all of our 30c3 contributors from the last year, 
around fourteen emails for today, lets hope it will show

2) we are on 829 eu + 40 eu in bit coins. Not bad but needs to be pushed 
forward just 5 days left

3) we have 60 l of probiotic brews going, 20 l of kombucha, 20 l of 
water kefir based and 20 l of kefir based. I've bought three aquarium 
heaters to warm them up, sorry for the expense but they would not be 
ready without that

4) we bough extra glasses to improve our equipment + also some cheeses 
for cheese rendezvous

5) we are preparing for the Christmas party on Saturday in Techinc


6) well that would be the major events, rest has to wait for tomorrow.

Talk to you all soon and please prepare yourself to push our crowd 
sourcing campaign forward during this weekend, it is our last chance 

Sincerely from Amsterdam,


Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck

biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker


"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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