[Finance] Introductions?

Dan Hess dan9186 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 15:40:42 CEST 2010

I'm Daniel from Memphis, TN.  I'm one of the founding members for our group,
and have been overseeing the finances since.  We've been around for roughly
7 months, are a state registered non-profit, and looking to move towards
501(c)(3) once we have a space of our own.  I've done a lot of research on
the 501(c)(3) application, but it is all still very foreign to me.  I've
heard someone mention that there is a particular person from HacDC that is
the supposed to go-to for everything 501(c)(3).

Our finances are currently in Google Docs, but I aim to move away from that
once I have the means to.  I am curious about the "donated" copy of
quickbooks that was mentioned earlier.  Seeblind from the Nashville, TN
space has also recommended it, but it did have a slightly hefty price tag to
it for a group just starting.


- Copying one is plagiarism, copying many is research.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Lokkju Brennr <lokkju at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm Loki, from BrainSilo in Portland, OR.
> We've only been around for about 6 months, and we're currently just a
> state registered non-profit corporation.  We're planning on going for
> 501(c)(3) status ASAP, but the $700 is a large layout for us - more
> than our rent.  Right now our finances are pretty much just a
> spreadsheet, since all income is donations, and our only real expense
> is rent (which includes utilities).  Other misc stuff, such as our
> internet and supplies is just provided by individual members.
> My major intrest right now is ideas for keeping a space paying for
> itself - either through member's fees, donations, or corporate/trust
> funding.  We're staying above water because of a couple people
> carrying most the financial load, which isn't the best situation.
> Loki // brainsilo.org
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