[hs-equality] UK Conference: ‘Redefining Equality and Diversity in the Information Age’

Kris Gesling krisgesling at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 04:06:24 CEST 2014

Bit random but thought people might be interested

*From:* Adam Eardley <aeardley at POLICYREVIEW.CO.UK>

*Date:* 25 September 2014 14:39:36 IST


*Subject:* *Research focus for 2014: ‘Redefining Equality and Diversity in
the Information Age’*

*Reply-To:* Adam Eardley <aeardley at POLICYREVIEW.CO.UK>

The research this year will explore how communication technologies are
changing equality and diversity, and will feature tech clusters like ‘Tech
City’ and their cases with multicultural entrepreneurship.

Topic focus

The conference will focus on the impacts of technology change and
information gathering on community empowerment, freedoms, social and
economic inclusion, redrawing the boundaries of business and paper
submissions from academics, business directors, companies, professional
associations, public bodies and NGOs are invited which address these

Do ideas of race, gender and identity gain power through the use of the
internet and other communication technologies?    Do they reinforce and
connect communities or diversify them?

Who uses these technologies to spread such ideas?

Are the internet and other communication technologies creating a more
tolerant world community in which to do business?  Or opening new kinds of
discrimination, isolation and intimidation?

How are the internet and new technologies shaping marketing and the type of
marketing in relationship to questions of diversity?

Do technologies and new information give communities and individuals
business and purchasing opportunities not available to them before?

Do present regulatory structures and policies concerning information flows
on broadband devices have any impact?

Can and should policies and regulations be reformed to control or monitor
such ideas, particularly in regard to questions of discrimination?

These and other issues will be addressed at the conference.

The conference will

Examine and discuss the impact of new information and communications

Present new research, insight and challenges about diversity and equality
impacts through business actions

Examine international case studies

Be broadcast live and interactive to universities and on demand to
audiences in businesses, research, higher education and around the world

Build a catalogue of video,  best practice, training and research papers
available through blended learning and online TV

Highlight personal, business, corporate, and community impacts on diversity
and equality through the actions of business

More information at http://www.neilstewartassociates.com/bn154


Adam Eardley
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