[hs-equality] People at Metalab have taken issue with some incidents at 29c3

Koen Martens gmc at hackerspaces.org
Sat Jan 5 17:17:58 CET 2013

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On Sat, Jan 05, 2013 at 03:33:23AM -0800, Mitch Altman wrote:
> The first discussion was really great.  Everyone, men and women, agreed that C3 is more open than many communities, but that sexism is still a problem.  Many people kept saying that the cards are not the best way to deal with the problem of sexism.  I pointed out (again and again), that they may not be the best way.  But that they are *a* way.  And that they seem to be working, based on all the discussion going on as a result of them.  We need other ways as well.

I don't think the cards are in any way helping any cause, except that of inciting sexual harassment and putting everyone on edge to the point where everything is construed to be sexist. In fact, one of the wiki's where the 'incididents' at 29c3 were listed cleary showed that many of those 'incidents' revolved around the cards. Of course, the picture of the torso of a naked woman was cited as an incident, without showing that there was also a penis and neglecting to mention that a woman made those 'works of art', but instead suggesting between the lines that this was 'those male pigs at work'.

Anyway, in the metalab piece I see it (as usual) centers around women and sexual harassment, and I feel uncomfortable entering the debate and bringing discrimination of homosexual (or othersexual) to the table, because in the past that has resulted in me being ridiculed and even death-threats from some of these 'feminist extremist'.

I am all against harassment, for equality and creating safe places. I don't feel the feminist extremists who poisoined the debate with those creeper cards are in any way rational, and I have experienced they are quite religious about their beliefs. To such an extend that I, as a gay individual, am apparently even worse than the male heterosexual macho stereotype. I'm sick of those extremists, and would never sign anything that so exclusively focusses on only sexism and women. If the feminist extremists can not see me as being equal to all others, how can i ever see them as more than a bunch of lunatics better ignored?

I don't know how to express what i'm feeling, but i'm so fed up with this women-centered feminism 'equality' crap. These extremist feminists are claiming the issue, and every other minority can go fuck themselves apparently. Fine. But don't be surprised when people are not getting your message, and in fact respond to your attempts to troll by exhibiting the exact behaviour you are supposedly against.

I mean, at some point I understood that perfectly normal conversation at 29c3 was perceived as 'sexist' because one word used had also a double meaning that could be taken as sexist. So now you can not say anything anymore. Let's just all shut up and cancel all events, that's the only way we can be sure no-one can think of anything as sexist. The creeper cards and the extremist beliefs behind them are simply terrorism.

- - gmc

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