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<p>I just realized I probably didn't share with the list that our maker-oriented foundation, The Tarrant County Maker Community Foundation (aka Tarrant Makers) is defunct as of October 31, 2014.</p>
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<p>It's a sad ending to what was for me a three-year effort in pulling together a maker community and organization for our area. However, there's still a need and interest, as demonstrated in various library and school-based makerspaces popping up, so I'm not completely discouraged.</p>
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<p>Here's my very sanitized take on the subject: <a href="http://texrat.net/tarrant-makers-fall-of-a-foundation/">http://texrat.net/tarrant-makers-fall-of-a-foundation/</a></p>
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<p>For unsanitized, you'll have to hit me up privately. ;)</p>
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<p>Anyway, good fodder for the maker community book I'm working on... <a href="http://makerxp.org">http://makerxp.org</a></p>
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