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Thanks, this is very helpful!
<br/>> On September 26, 2013 at 2:28 AM hadez <hadez.hso@nrrd.de> wrote:
<br/>> We (shackspace) hold a weekly plenum that is open for anyone (even
<br/>> non-members) to attend.
<br/>> It's the default forum for $everything.
<br/>> A protocol of the plenum is distributed to all members so everyone's
<br/>> at least informed.
<br/>> The formal body (the association you become a member at, shack e.V.)
<br/>> has a board of 3+2 and the number of formal "board meetings" is in the
<br/>> single digits.
<br/>> Topics discussed during such meetings are usually of a legal nature
<br/>> and involving operation of the formal body (read: paperwork).
<br/>> Only board members attend those but a protocol of the meeting is later
<br/>> distributed to all members.
<br/>> This turned out to be a pretty good split for us.
<br/>> Caveat: we have a board because we have to, not because we want to. We
<br/>> needed some legal structure to handle contracts (rent, utilities) and
<br/>> hold the German equivalent to 501(c)(3) status.
<br/>> Being on the board you sign up for boring work and responsibilities
<br/>> without any benefits.
<br/>> Virtually all decisions are delegated to our plenum meeting and the
<br/>> board simply waves those decisions through as long as financial and
<br/>> legal implications are within limits.
<br/>> Since the plenum meeting happens weekly the chance to get your topics
<br/>> in is high.
<br/>> The agenda is frozen 24h before the meeting to let people decide
<br/>> whether or not they want/need to attend.
<br/>> We usually have between 8 to 15 folks attending depending on topics.
<br/>> We've got 200+ members in total of which around 30 to 40 can be
<br/>> considered to be "highly active" within the club (wild guessing and
<br/>> gut-feeling on that last number) with a larger number showing up only
<br/>> now than then.
<br/>> Not sure if this would work for your setup but here's the patterns
<br/>> that worked well for us over the last 3 1/2 years:
<br/>> - board is only there for paperwork(tm) only
<br/>> - board meetings are called on-demand and limited to members of the
<br/>> board. regular members are informed by a meeting protocol
<br/>> - high-frequency (weekly) public plenum meeting to discuss day to day stuff
<br/>> - bonus: have a board member at the plenum meeting to have someone
<br/>> there to answer any questions regarding board-stuff
<br/>> Other than that we're required by law and our statutes to hold an
<br/>> official and formal members meeting.
<br/>> This usually happens no more often than once every year or every other
<br/>> year depending on statutes etc.
<br/>> Those meetings vote board members and decide stuff like changes to the statutes.
<br/>> Usually _a lot_ of members show up for those and it's a really formal
<br/>> proceeding.
<br/>> --
<br/>> hadez
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