Hello, I'm relatively new to all of this. I just found and joined my local space late last year and I have a lot to learn. I have been following the conversations and recently signed up but have been trying to stay out of the way and just watch and learn, but I wanted to comment on automated payments.<div>
<br></div><div>This thread has opened my eyes to accounting woes that I wouldn't have thought about. It didn't occur to me that automatic payments may be preferred over manual payments. I have not fallen out of good standing myself, but have had to resort to manually paying.</div>
<div><br></div><div>To lend another perspective (I feel like there are probably multiple reasons for choices different people make), I am in a similar situation as my space and I do well to just make ends meet. I am able to pay my dues before my payment is late, but I get paid at different times and can't dedicate to a chance of an automatic payment causing a overdraft penalties. Sometimes I have to pay a few days ahead, sometimes on the due date.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Since it didn't occur to me that this might make accounting stressful, I assumed that as long as I wasn't late it would be fine. Now that I see the points of view mentioned, I think I can do something on my end as a creative solution such as load a month plus a month in advance on a card just for the space and have it auto renew. That way, it won't matter if the auto renew hits a few hours before I can get money into my account.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Sorry for the spam, but this has helped me and hopefully our treasurer. Hopefully it helps someone else out there reading, too.</div><div><br></div><div>Regarding cash flow, I'd like to see what happens when we pool together all the spaces that have been documenting their progress. I'd like to see some community tools that makes fundraising easier pop up. Stay the course, I think all this gets easier in the future.<br>