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Hey Folks,<br><br>We are having another <font style="background-color: rgb(255, 192, 0);"><strong>Geeks & Depression meetup</strong> </font><font style="background-color: rgb(146, 208, 80);">this coming Tuesday</font>, <font style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">26-March</font>, starting at 7:30pm.<br>Location:<br> No Starch Press<br> 38 Ringold Street<br> San Francisco, CA 94103<br> <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=No+Starch+Press,+Ringold+Street,+San+Francisco,+CA&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=39.86519,55.810547&oq=no+starch+press&hq=No+Starch+Press,&hnear=Ringold+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94103&t=m&z=16">map</a><br><br>All are welcome.<br><br>Share or listen.<br>You are not alone.<br><br>Let's have a meetup where geeks can talk about depression and suicide. You are not alone. Share your story, if you like. Share a friend's story. Or just hang out and listen. Let's make it OK to talk about these things so that we don't feel so alone with our feelings of being alone and depressed or suicidal.<br><br>This is not a support group -- none of us are trained professionals, but we can get together in a safe, confidential space to talk about depression and suicide -- an important part of life for so many of us geeks.<BR> <BR>Please feel free to start a Geeks & Depression meetup in your home town.<br><br>Mitch.<br><br><BR> </div></body>