I got some responses off the CDV700 list. <br><br>Mainly they just had an argument over whether or not it was ok for untrained folks to have detectors. <br><br>However, this is a good link that came out of the conversation: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kearny_Fallout_Meter">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kearny_Fallout_Meter</a><br>
<br>the <b>Kearny Fallout Meter</b> or <b>KFM</b> is an expedient radiation
meter designed to be able to be constructed immediately before or during
a nuclear attack by someone with a normal mechanical ability and from
common household items.<br><br>I think this was what was referenced before, but without actual build instructions. <br><br>-=Deech<br><br>