Hey everyone!<br><br>I've been thinking a lot about the projects that people share online, and how someone might know whether it came from a hackerspace or not. Some people choose to blog about their project on their space's website, but I think there might be a lot of research and projects being completed at spaces that aren't being advertised that way.<br>
<br>So, how could we easily identify a project or research as having come from a hackerspace or makerspace?<br><br>Currently, many people who identify with hacker ethos use the "Glider" symbol as a badge. When you see it, it means that you're associating yourself with hacker culture. <br>
<br>Could we have something like that for hackerspaces and makerspaces? <br><br>I'm imagining something that can be inserted in a blog post, a youtube video, or by your name on a research paper. It would be a great way to show the world the kind of productivity that happens at hackerspaces, and a symbol to rally behind.<br>
<br>Perhaps a competition to design such a logo might be a good idea... what do you guys think? If enough people like the idea, then I'd be happy to help organize the competition.<br><br>Thoughts? <br>