Far from @Hive76 in Philly here.<br><br>We have open house 2 hours each weds, with a 15 min members 'scrum' meeting beforehand. 3 members have picked one night a month, as a night for their projects, and on that night they get dibs on the space. <br>
<br>That way, people are working on what interested them, but not all crowded into the space at once. Part of our membership is 4 hours of 'work for the space' a month, and doing a python night (or AVR night, or what) counts as work time for that.<br>
<br>- Far<br><br><br>----<br><a href="http://www.Hive76.org" target="_blank">http://www.Hive76.org</a> "Making things awesome, making awesome things!" <br><a href="http://www.FarMcKon.net" target="_blank">http://www.FarMcKon.net</a> "Creatively Maladjusted"<br>