Disclaimer: I'm an organizer of BruCON. My apologies if this email is deemed inappropriate for this mailinglist.<br><br>Toorcon, Shmoocon, Defcon, HAR, CCC, .... I have been to some of these conferences, I have yet to visit some. I'm trying to setup a similar conference in our parts of the woods (Belgium). I talked to Nick and Astera about it during 25C3. <br>
<br>I'm a big supporter of communities like the Hackerspaces and want to show a more positive side of 'hacking' to the people over here. This is why having them present at BruCON would be awesome!! I already invited some of the neighbouring spaces like HSB, Randomdata , /tmp/lab and Syn2cat. <br>
<br>I'm doing my best to make it an awesome event. We're doing this non-profit. I'm hoping for some active participation from whoever likes to 'hack for b33r' ;-)<br><br>I wanted to let everyone know that we have an early bird ticket till the first of July. On top of that, I convinced my peers to give any Hackerspace member a 10% discount. Use "HACKERSPACESORG07" when registering.<br>
<br>I have seen that it's not financially easy for some of the starting hackerspaces out there. So I have started an auction for some projects like the hackerspaces at the conference. If the event makes somewhat of a profit, we will try to top the money from the auction to a nice amount.<br>
<br>I'm still looking for people to help me with the auction as with some other aspects of the conference on a volunteer basis. <br><br>I hope to see some of you at the conference and if you have any remarks or questions, just drop me a message.<br>
_________________<br>My blog: <a href="http://blog.security4all.be/" target="_blank">http://blog.security4all.be/</a><br>Belgian Security Blognetwork: <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/BelgianSecurityBlognetwork" target="_blank">http://feeds.feedburner.com/BelgianSecurityBlognetwork</a><br>
PGP Key <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4CF01C40" target="_blank">http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4CF01C40</a><br>