[hackerspaces] XPRIZE and Hackerspaces

Ricky Ng-Adam rngadam at xinchejian.com
Fri Jul 10 06:20:58 CEST 2015


Wanted to give some visibility here to the XPRIZE non-profit organization
XPRIZE uses competitions as a driver to find technology-driven solutions to
the world's greatest problems:


In my mind, a lot of the competitions they are organizing are a good fit
for members of hackerspaces.

They just recently started a community outreach effort (
http://community.xprize.org, soon to be linked from the main page). You can
check out the forum (http://forum.xprize.org) to see activity about some of
the current and future competitions. At the moment, threads are mostly
focused on the ongoing Global Learning XPRIZE (http://learning.xprize.org).

You can also join or create your own local "XPRIZE Think Tank" (
http://community.xprize.org/thinktanks/join), a good way to attract members
to your own Hackerspace with an interest in making the world a better place
through making.

Sending a robot to the moon or building a software system to teach literacy
kids is perhaps a bit too ambitious as an hackerspace project, but there's
a lot of specific sub-problems that are interesting and could benefit from
a wide variety of makers contributions.

There's also a smaller scale competitions platform (https://herox.com), a
kind of "Kickstarter for competitions". As any crowdsourced platform,
competitions quality varies greatly but it's an interesting start.

Good luck!
伍思力 | Ricky Ng-Adam | http://xinchejian.com | (+86) 186-2126-2521
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