[hackerspaces] National Day of Civic Hacking May 31st

Jamie Schwettmann jamie.schwettmann at gmail.com
Tue May 20 01:51:19 CEST 2014

The National Day of Civic Hacking is coming up, May 31st - Jun 1st,
according to hackforchange.org.

Is your hackerspace planning any collaborative events?  Synchronous
hackathons with other hackerspaces?  Wider-reaching projects that affect
the civic sphere?

It seems like a great opportunity to join forces with the energy of a
larger population outside of hackerspaces, putting minds together to deal
with an abundance of open public data, and address government/civic/social
technology needs.  hackforchange.org/data has a sample list of available
(US) data sets, ranging from basic city information, to jerrymandering
data, to environmental data, to torture data from the Bush administration.

And although it's called the "National" Day of Civic Hacking, such an
effort naturally isn't and shouldn't be restricted to just one country or
locale. We're all global citizens, after all. :)

I'm currently helping to organize and coordinate synchronous events related
to this effort in the SF Bay Area. If your space - anywhere in the world -
is going to be participating, or is interested in collaborating to help
hack together digital solutions to civil issues, let's get connected!

- Jamie
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