[hackerspaces] hackerspaceSHOP.com launched

overflo flo at tekstix.com
Thu Mar 15 17:31:40 CET 2012

Hi girls, guys, robots!
We [0] are finally launching the HACKERSPACESHOP.com [1].
Before you scream "sellout!" read on and find out what is going on..

TL;DR: hackerspaceshop.com is an open platform for hackerspaces where 
one can sell his/her kits,
Find support with kit-making, get peace of mind with taxes / paper
work. Based in centraleurope (EU).

We started to work on this platform over a year ago.
At the beginning we wanted to have a shop for us and the metalab [2], 
but then the idea evolved and now we have a registered company based in 
vienna / austria to take care of the whole tax business and paperwork 
stuff that you have to do in europe to sell things and buy parts.

Hackers want to hack.
Some are also interested in spreading their work and let others
contribute in firmware or hardware improvements.

But most hackers have little interest in customer care, sending packages 
with the postal service, RMA handling, dealing with the tax-bureaucrats 
and all the hassles of running a business based in europe.

Thats what we do.

You have the idea / kit / product -> we have the infrastructure and 
network to get things rolling.

If you are already actively producing kits, let us know, we might be 
interested in re-selling them.

We will help you with our knowledge and network to get from prototype to
We will sell your kits or assembled products on our platform.
We give workshops all over the world in hackerspaces and promote your
kits, teach soldering and all things microcontrollers do..

And most importantly: We give something back to the community.
We just started so we don't know yet how much money is in this, but we
are sure there is a market and we are sure there will be profit.

The profit is used to:
  - keep the shop running and expand the stock
  - pay the kitmakers / inventors / hackers
  - give a share back to hackerspaces in forms of hardware donations /
equipment / kits / free workshops

Currently there is one robotic / electronic kit in the store that we
used for a reference implementation.
Its called SolarRoboFlower and it is a flower robot with light sensors
that follows your flashlight / lighter with different modes of
There are 3 different versions of the kit available.

If you want to get one just go to the store and enter HELLOWORLD in the
couponcode section for 10,- off the total amount.

We will add more kits and products in the coming days / weeks and
already have a rather long list of things we would like to offer on the

If YOU have something that you want to share, dont hesitate to
contact us [3].

Also if you have questions regarding the shop or you just want to say
hello, or you want us to visit your hackerspace and have a workshop -
drop us a line.

We are giving away a limited number of SolarRoboFlower-kits to chosen 
hackerspaces.  If you think your space should be on our list, let us know!

Please spread the word on your spaces mailinglists and tell your 
friends. Together this will become awesome!

Lots of love

ps: Most of the things are up and running. Sourcecode, schematics and 
more information on our first kit will follow real soon now.

[0] overflo, mind, wizard23, metalab-crowd
[1] http://www.hackerspaceshop.com
[2] https://metalab.at
[3] shop at hackerspaceshop.com


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some sort mailingservice, there is no unsubscribe.
This address was chosen because i know you guys rock.
If you are interested in receiving our newsletter (every few weeks or 
so) go to hackerspaceshop.com
The newslettersubscription is right on the startpage on the left.

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