[hackerspaces] Guy I met is trying to build a unified transhuman group

quemener.yves at free.fr quemener.yves at free.fr
Sat Mar 3 13:55:08 CET 2012

> The Transhumanist movement started with Ray Kurzweil and his
> predictions toward the Singularity. The Singularity is supposed to
> be the moment when machines and humans merge and create a utopia,
> and eventually "wake up" the Universe itself.


That's why no one is taking the concept seriously...
The technological singularity is a concept that existed before Kurzweil
decided to write pseudo-scientific books about it. It is the simple 
observation that if we manage to create an AI with a human-level 
intelligence, it will result in an "explosion of intelligence" as smart
minds become as prevalent as computers able to run them. 

It doesn't need techno-babbles, promises of immortality, worship of self-
replicating nano-machines. 

Transhumanism is just a belief that humans can and should be improved
through technical means.

The only common point about these two movements is that they speculate on
the consequences of future technologies.

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