[hackerspaces] Ham radio from the Eiffel Tower

ITechGeek itg at itechgeek.com
Mon Jul 9 09:37:07 CEST 2012

I thought this is kind of cool (and this overlaps HOPE):


Operators Philippe/F5SKW, Dimitri/F5SWB, Freddy/F5IRO/J28RO,
David/F8CRS, Yves-Michel/F5PRU, and possibly some other hams and
French Servicemen will be active as TM70TRS or TM70TE from the 3rd
floor of the Eiffel Tower, approximately 300 meters above the ground,
between July 12-15th.

Activity is to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the French Army Signal Corps.

Activity will be on CW, SSB and RTTY, and on the HF and VHF (JN18du) bands.

Operations will be 24 hours each day.

A special QSL card will be available. QSL via the F6KHX ARC or F5OGL,
direct or by the REF QSL Bureau.


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