[hackerspaces] What cool tech are you working on? (was Hackerspaces Manual)

Far McKon farmckon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 15:42:49 CEST 2011

Awesome thread idea.

Random project:

I've started a p2p bookmarking system based on git (
http://gitmarks.net/ ) that is just getting rolling.   My hope is to
get distributed bookmarks online, and then roll in searching friends
bookmarks, and finally caching (and p2p cache sharing) of the content
on those sites, so it is harder to delete a site and have it
'disappear' and also be able to track revision and history.  I hope
the middle layer can become a generalized too for p2p data sharing
(backups, files, etc) via git, and work with things like SparkleShare.

So, bookmarking to start, and (if all goes well) a distributed
'wayback machine' and filesharing as future options.

I'm looking for python help, git help, firefox plugin help, and mental
help. If you want to help, hit me off-list.

hack on
- Far

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