[hackerspaces] Hackerspace business plan

Blackhold blackholdmailer at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 15:26:03 CEST 2010

I'll try to explain what we are trying... maybe could be a clue...

we have a group of servers that we offer websites to social and
cultural collectives.

these servers we have them distributed in various places and they are
connected through project guifi.net, all the data is sync all the time
through this network, and then its also offers websites to internet,
but the internet we use is not in the place we have the server, we
have vpn tunnels.

in this way we prettend to offer first this websites to collectives in
a very cheap way, we have to pay the internet access (on more amount
of mb contracted, more cheaper is the connection), then the places we
have our servers are distributed, some of them they have air
conditioned and some other no (and summer is here :P).

we have an infrastructure of a really very low cost, but people that
wants to host a website to our servers, they have to pay 140€/year.

now we have not a lot of collectives, but we pretend that we could
mount that without putting money and in the future we spect that the
hours we put on administrating these servers could be remunerated.

at the moment, to suffry some costs we install antennas to get grow
the project of guifi.net and in some time found a new place for our
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
SummerCamp Garrotxa: http://hacklabs.org/summercamp (lightning/blitz talks)

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 15:49, Chris Hardee <shazzner at gmail.com> wrote:
> We're starting up a space here in San Antonio, TX and I've been asked by
> sponsors and members for a business plan. I've been working on one but is
> there a skeleton plan or something I can base this off of? Any tips or
> experience anyone can share about writing one? Thanks
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