[hackerspaces] Press

astera astera at hackerspaces.org
Fri Apr 3 01:46:07 CEST 2009

Hey there,

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 7:31 PM, David Powell <davepow16 at gmail.com> wrote:

> That brings me to this next thought. We should create a press release
> that can easily be shared with all the big technology news channels.
> CNET comes to mind and I'm sure there are a bunch of others.

Yes, totally agreed.

> In order to get this started I would like if you guys would take
> photos of your groups interacting with each other either in your
> hackerspace or in your meeting location if you are just getting
> started. Then write a little paragraph about what is going on in the
> photo and provide details about where that location is and what the
> name is of the organization.

As you might have heard, Bre and me were working on a publication about a
bunch of the hackerspaces that are featured on the site (as in: everyone who
got back to our mail), and we have the final pdf version (Bre is reading
over it atm for the very, very, VERY last time ;) - so this might be
included in a press mailing (though it's pretty insanely huge).

Also, right now as I write these lines Georgyo has helped me implement some
new statistic graphs of hackerspaces.org and when and where hackerspaces
were founded... the new feature will be released early by tomorrow I
believe, as I want to reference it at Jens' and my talk at re:publica in
Berlin, Germany.
Including this dataset will give an additional plus of information I

Hack on,
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