[hackerspaces-announce] hackerspacs call-in

astera astera at hackerspaces.org
Mon Dec 29 10:40:13 CET 2008

Hello everyone,

it's been about time to set up yet another hackerspaces call-in, and  
we haven't rested thinking about it recently.
Since we're currently at the 25C3 congress in Berlin, Germany, we were  
talking to the POC staff yesterday and had them prepare us their  
server for the upcoming hackerspaces call-in!
Plus, we have an enourmous advantage this time: For the congress, lots  
of hackerspace founders and collaborators and friends have come to  
Berlin, talked and worked together, and a lot of enthusiasm and  
inspiration has spread.

After the Power to the People event hackerspaces.org will be hosting  
tonight at the c-base, all hackerspace people have the chance to sit  
together in the base of the space station and give an update on their  
activities in real life; the set-up will allow everyone to call in  
through a number I'll forward you within the next hours (we still have  
to check that back with the POC).

The time of the call-in is: today, Dec. 29th, at 00.00 mn CET / 06.00  
pm EST / 03.00 pm PST.
The schedule will pretty much look like the one we already had,  
approx. 05 min update of each hackerspace + open discussion in the end.

To give an update, please R.S.V.P. on the call-in page at  

For questions regarding the call-in or support, please reply to over9000 at hackerspaces.org 
, the team that's working out all things tech these days now.

Talk to you soon!

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